Getting Your Feet Wet with ADO.NET

ADO.NET provides consistent access to data sources such as Microsoft SQL Server and XML, as well as to data sources exposed through OLE DB and ODBC. Data-sharing consumer applications can use ADO.NET to connect to these data sources and retrieve, manipulate, and update the data that they contain.

ADO.NET separates data access from data manipulation into discrete components that can be used separately or in tandem. ADO.NET includes .NET Framework data providers for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results. Those results are either processed directly, placed in an ADO.NET DataSet object in order to be exposed to the user in an ad hoc manner, combined with data from multiple sources

The ADO.NET classes are found in System.Data, System.Data.SQL, System.Data.SQLClient, and are integrated with the XML classes found in System.Xml. When compiling code that uses the System.Data namespace, reference both System.Data and System.Xml..

What is a DataReader?
A DataReader is a read-only stream of data returned from the database as the query executes. It only contains one row of data in memory at a time and is restricted to navigating forward only in the results one record at a time. The DataReader does support access to multiple result sets, but only one at a time and in the order retrieved. Just as in the original version of ADO, the data is no longer available through the DataReader once the connection to the data source is closed, which means a DataReader requires a connection to the database throughout its usage.
Each DataReader implementation is optimized for a specific data provider such as SQL Server or Oracle. Microsoft .NET Framework includes a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader that is specific to SQL Server and a System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader that is more generic for OLEDB providers.

What is a DataSet?
DataSet is the core of the ADO.NET disconnected architecture and is used to store data in a disconnected state. It was designed to fully support the use of XML so an XML document can be read into a DataSet or a DataSet can be exported to XML. This allows a DataSet to be easily transported across a network so it can be used as a return from a Web service or other type of remote call. Changes to a DataSet can be propagated back to the data source from where the data originated. A DataSet is fully navigable forward or backward and the contents can be filtered, sorted, or searched as desired, making all records accessible at any given point.

The DataSet, part of the System.Data namespace, is not specific to any one data provider, but rather is independent of them. A DataSet relies on a DataAdapter specific to each provider to be the intermediary between the DataSet and the data store. The DataAdapter uses a DataReader for the specific provider to fill the contents of the DataSet.

A DataSet can expose a hierarchical model of tables similar to a relational database. A DataSet can contain one or more DataTable objects that have primary key, foreign key, and constraints between them and can enforce constraints such as unique or be configured to ignore them. Rather than using a join to combine tables of data, you typically use a DataAdapter to retrieve each table separately, populate the DataSet contents with the multiple adapters, and then link them together in the DataSet through DataRelation objects.

DataReader VS DataSet
The DataReader is a better choice for applications that require optimized read-only and forward-only access to data such as binding to a DataGrid/GridView control. The sooner the data is off-loaded from the DataReader and the connection is closed the better the application performance. The DataReader is a better choice when you are planning to make repeated calls to retrieve small amounts of information or the data you are retrieving must be as up to date as possible each time it is used.

When to consider using a DataSet:
The DataSet is a better choice for applications that will not off-load the query result immediately, or when there is extensive processing such as complex business logic involved between data accesses. The DataSet will retrieve the data, off-load the data into memory and return the database connection to the connection pool, where as a DataReader would keep the connection locked open until processing is complete. This could easily cause a high traffic application to run out of available database connections.

The DataSet is a better choice when you need to navigate through the data more than once. For example, if you have multiple controls you need to build off the same data, then a DataSet is the better answer because a DataReader can only be read once so it can only be bound to a single control and would require the data to be retrieved for use with each control.

The DataSet is a better choice when the data does not change frequently enough to warrant always retrieving it from the database or is specific to the user requesting the data. A DataSet can be stored in Session or Application variables or cached through the System.Web.Caching.Cache class to improve application performance by not having to retrieve the data from the database each time it is needed.

The DataSet is a better choice when building a Web service that will return the retrieved data. Since a DataSet is serializable it can serve as the return value. Since a DataReader requires a persistent database connection, it cannot be used as a return type from a Web service.

The .NET data provider, which is a set of components including the Connection, Command, DataReader, and DataAdapter objects.
1.If your Data access operations is mainly fetching and displaying the records and doesnt involve insert/update/delete statements and other manipulations (forward only, read only) actions, go for the DataReader. DataReader offers a forward only read stream of access to the records. It is very useful in cases where we just grab the data from the database to display in DataGrid, Label and other Webcontrols. However, DataReader requires the connection with the database open until its operation is completed.

2. If your Data access operations extend to as simple as an Insert/Update/Delete statement to as complex as using it as a return type from a web service, go for the DataSet. Some advantages : Complex Data type supporting numerous methods such as ReadXML which reads new XML data to form a dataset, WriteXML which provides an XML format of the existing data, etc., Works on the disconnected architecutre i.e. The connection doesnt need to be on for the DataSet to perform the manipulations and other actions and is required only at the time of Updating the records to the Database Table. Provides an In-memory representation of the Data. Can contain one or more DataTable objects that have primary key, foreign key, and constraints between them and can enforce constraints such as unique or be configured to ignore them. Has Individual elements such as DataTable, DataRow and DataColumn to access specific values. While using DataSet and DataAdapter, you don't need to explicitly open the connection. DataAdapter automatically opens and closes the connection as and when required.

Data Adapter :
DataAdapter object is like a bridge that links the database and a Connection object with the ADO.NET-managed DataSet object through its SELECT and action query Commands. It specifies what data to move into and out of the DataSet. Often, this takes the form of references to SQL statements or stored procedures that are invoked to read or write to a database.

The DataAdapter provides four properties that allow us to control how updates are made to the server:
* SelectCommand
* UpdateCommand
* InsertCommand
* DeleteCommand

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